- class agave_pyclient.agave.AgaveRenderer(url='ws://localhost:1235/', mode='pathtrace')[source]
AgaveRenderer communicates with AGAVE running in server mode to perform GPU volume rendering.
- Parameters:
url (str) – Full url to websocket server including port
mode (str) – “pathtrace” or “raymarch” (pathtrace is default)
Connect to an already running local AGAVE server instance
>>> agaveclient = AgaveRenderer()
- aperture(x: float)[source]
Set the viewer camera aperture size.
- Parameters:
x (float) – The aperture size. This is a number between 0 and 1. 0 means no defocusing will occur, like a pinhole camera. 1 means maximum defocus. Default is 0.
- asset_path(name: str)[source]
Sets a search path for volume files. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
- Parameters:
name (str) – This name is the path where volume images are located.
- auto_threshold(channel: int, method: int)[source]
Automatically determine the intensity thresholds
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
method (int) – Allowed values: 0: Auto2 1: Auto 2: BestFit 3: ChimeraX emulation 4: between 0.5 percentile and 0.98 percentile
- background_color(r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the background color of the rendering
- Parameters:
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
- batch_render_rocker(number_of_frames=90, angle=30, direction=1, output_name='frame', first_frame=0)[source]
Loop to render a rocker sequence, an oscillating partial rotation about the vertical axis. Other commands must have been previously issued to load the data and set all the viewing parameters.
- Parameters:
number_of_frames (int) – How many images to generate
angle (float) – Max angle to rock back and forth, in degrees
direction (int) – rotate to the left or to the right
output_name (str) – a full path prefix. The file names will have the frame numbers automatically appended
first_frame (int) – an offset for the frame indices in the saved file names
- batch_render_turntable(number_of_frames=90, direction=1, output_name='frame', first_frame=0)[source]
Loop to render a turntable sequence, a 360 degree rotation about the vertical axis. Other commands must have been previously issued to load the data and set all the viewing parameters.
- Parameters:
number_of_frames (int) – How many images to generate
direction (int) – rotate to the left or to the right, +1 or -1
output_name (str) – a full path prefix. The file names will have the frame numbers automatically appended
first_frame (int) – an offset for the frame indices in the saved file names
- bounding_box_color(r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the color for the bounding box display
- Parameters:
r (float) – the red value, from 0 to 1
g (float) – the green value, from 0 to 1
b (float) – the blue value, from 0 to 1
- camera_projection(projection_type: int, x: float)[source]
Set the viewer camera projection type, along with a relevant parameter.
- Parameters:
projection_type (int) – 0 for Perspective, 1 for Orthographic. Default: 0
x (float) – If Perspective, then this is the vertical Field of View angle in degrees. If Orthographic, then this is the orthographic scale dimension. Default: 55.0 degrees. (default Orthographic scale is 0.5)
- density(x: float)[source]
Set the scattering density.
- Parameters:
x (float) – The scattering density, 0-100. Higher values will make the volume seem more opaque. Default is 8.5, which is relatively transparent.
- enable_channel(channel: int, enabled: int)[source]
Show or hide a given channel
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
enabled (int) – 0 to hide, 1 to show
- exposure(x: float)[source]
Set the exposure level
- Parameters:
x (float) – The exposure level between 0 and 1. Default is 0.75. Higher numbers are brighter.
- eye(x: float, y: float, z: float)[source]
Set the viewer camera position. Default is (500,500,500).
- Parameters:
x (float) – The x coordinate
y (float) – The y coordinate
z (float) – The z coordinate
- focaldist(x: float)[source]
Set the viewer camera focal distance
- Parameters:
x (float) – The focal distance. Has no effect if aperture is 0.
- frame_scene()[source]
Automatically set camera parameters so that the volume fills the view. Useful when you have insufficient information to position the camera accurately.
- light_color(index: int, r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the color of an area light. Overdrive the values higher than 1 to increase the light’s intensity.
- Parameters:
index (int) – Which light to set. Currently unused as there is only one area light.
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
- light_pos(index: int, r: float, theta: float, phi: float)[source]
Set the position of an area light, in spherical coordinates
- Parameters:
index (int) – Which light to set. Currently unused as there is only one area light.
r (float) – The radius, as distance from the center of the volume
theta (float) – The polar angle
phi (float) – The azimuthal angle
- light_size(index: int, x: float, y: float)[source]
Set the size dimensions of a rectangular area light.
- Parameters:
index (int) – Which light to set. Currently unused as there is only one area light.
x (float) – The width dimension of the area light
y (float) – The height dimension of the area light
- load_data(path: str, scene: int = 0, multiresolution_level: int = 0, time: int = 0, channels: List[int] = [], region: List[int] = [])[source]
Completely specify volume data to load
- Parameters:
path (str) – URL or directory or file path to the data. The path must be locally accessible from the AGAVE server.
scene (int) – zero-based index to select the scene, for multi-scene files. Defaults to 0
multiresolution_level (int) – zero-based index to select the multiresolution level. Defaults to 0
time (int) – zero-based index to select the time sample. Defaults to 0
channels (List[int]) – zero-based indices to select the channels. Defaults to all channels
region (List[int]) – 6 integers specifying the region to load. Defaults to the entire volume. Any list length other than 0 or 6 is an error.
- mat_diffuse(channel: int, r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float)[source]
Set the diffuse color of a channel
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
a (float) – The alpha value between 0 and 1 (currently unused)
- mat_emissive(channel: int, r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float)[source]
Set the emissive color of a channel (defaults to black, for no emission)
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
a (float) – The alpha value between 0 and 1 (currently unused)
- mat_glossiness(channel: int, glossiness: float)[source]
Set the channel’s glossiness.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
glossiness (float) – Sets the shininess, a number between 0 and 100.
- mat_opacity(channel: int, opacity: float)[source]
Set channel opacity. This is a multiplier against all intensity values in the channel.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
opacity (float) – A multiplier between 0 and 1. Default is 1
- mat_specular(channel: int, r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float)[source]
Set the specular color of a channel (defaults to black, for no specular response)
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
a (float) – The alpha value between 0 and 1 (currently unused)
- orbit_camera(theta: float, phi: float)[source]
Rotate the camera around the volume by angle deltas
- Parameters:
theta (float) – polar angle in degrees
phi (float) – azimuthal angle in degrees
- redraw()[source]
Tell the server to process all commands and return an image, and then save the image. This function will block and wait for the image to be returned. The image returned will be saved automatically using the session_name. TODO: a timeout is not yet implemented.
- render_iterations(x: int)[source]
Set the number of paths per pixel to accumulate.
- Parameters:
x (int) – How many paths per pixel. The more paths, the less noise in the image.
- session(name: str)[source]
Set the current session name. Use the full path to the name of the output image here.
- Parameters:
name (str) – This name is the full path to the output image, ending in .png or .jpg. Make sure the directory has already been created.
- set_clip_region(minx: float, maxx: float, miny: float, maxy: float, minz: float, maxz: float)[source]
Set the axis aligned region of interest of the volume. All axis values are relative, where 0 is one extent of the volume and 1 is the opposite extent. For example, (0,1, 0,1, 0,0.5) will select the lower half of the volume’s z slices.
- Parameters:
minx (float) – The lower x extent between 0 and 1
maxx (float) – The higher x extent between 0 and 1
miny (float) – The lower y extent between 0 and 1
maxy (float) – The higher y extent between 0 and 1
minz (float) – The lower z extent between 0 and 1
maxz (float) – The higher z extent between 0 and 1
- set_control_points(channel: int, data: List[float])[source]
Set intensity thresholds based on a piecewise linear transfer function.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
data (List[float]) – An array of values. 5 floats per control point. first is position (0-1), next four are rgba (all 0-1). Only alpha is currently used as the remapped intensity value. All others are linearly interpolated.
- set_flip_axis(x: int, y: int, z: int)[source]
Flip the volume data on any axis
- Parameters:
x (int) – -1 to flip, 1 to not flip
y (int) – -1 to flip, 1 to not flip
z (int) – -1 to flip, 1 to not flip
- set_interpolation(x: int)[source]
Set the volume sampling interpolation mode
- Parameters:
x (int) – 0 for nearest, 1 for linear
- set_isovalue_threshold(channel: int, isovalue: float, isorange: float)[source]
Set intensity thresholds based on values around an isovalue.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
isovalue (float) – The value to center at maximum intensity, between 0 and 1
isorange (float) – A range around the isovalue to keep at constant intensity, between 0 and 1. Typically small, to select for a single isovalue.
- set_percentile_threshold(channel: int, pct_low: float, pct_high: float)[source]
Set intensity thresholds based on percentiles of pixels to clip min and max intensity
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
pct_low (float) – The low percentile to remap to 0(min) intensity
pct_high (float) – The high percentile to remap to 1(max) intensity
- set_primary_ray_step_size(step_size: float)[source]
Set primary ray step size. This is an accuracy versus speed tradeoff. Low values are more accurate. High values will render faster. Primary rays are the rays that are cast from the camera out into the volume.
- Parameters:
step_size (float) – A value in voxels. Default is 4. Minimum sensible value is 1.
- set_resolution(x: int, y: int)[source]
Set the image resolution in pixels.
- Parameters:
x (int) – x resolution in pixels
y (int) – y resolution in pixels
- set_secondary_ray_step_size(step_size: float)[source]
Set secondary ray step size. This is an accuracy versus speed tradeoff. Low values are more accurate. High values will render faster. The secondary rays are rays which are cast toward lights after they have scattered within the volume.
- Parameters:
step_size (float) – A value in voxels. Default is 4. Minimum sensible value is 1.
- set_time(time: int)[source]
Load a time from the current volume file
- Parameters:
time (int) – zero-based index to select the time sample. Defaults to 0
- set_voxel_scale(x: float, y: float, z: float)[source]
Set the relative scale of the pixels in the volume. Typically this is filled in with the physical pixel dimensions from the microscope metadata. Often the x and y scale will differ from the z scale. Defaults to (1,1,1)
- Parameters:
x (float) – x scale
y (float) – y scale
z (float) – z scale
- set_window_level(channel: int, window: float, level: float)[source]
Set intensity threshold for a given channel based on Window/Level
- Parameters:
channel (int) – Which channel index, 0 based.
window (float) – Width of the window, from 0-1.
level (float) – Intensity level mapped to middle of window, from 0-1
- show_bounding_box(on: int)[source]
Turn bounding box display on or off
- Parameters:
on (int) – 0 to hide bounding box, 1 to show it
- show_scale_bar(on: int)[source]
Turn scale bar display on or off
- Parameters:
on (int) – 0 to hide scale bar, 1 to show it
- skylight_bottom_color(r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the “south pole” color of the sky sphere
- Parameters:
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
- skylight_middle_color(r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the “equator” color of the sky sphere
- Parameters:
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
- skylight_top_color(r: float, g: float, b: float)[source]
Set the “north pole” color of the sky sphere
- Parameters:
r (float) – The red value between 0 and 1
g (float) – The green value between 0 and 1
b (float) – The blue value between 0 and 1
- stream_mode(x: int)[source]
Turn stream mode on or off. Stream mode will send an image back to the client on each iteration up to some server-defined amount. This mode is useful for interactive client-server applications but not for batch-mode offline rendering.
- Parameters:
x (int) – 0 for off, 1 for on. Default is off.
- target(x: float, y: float, z: float)[source]
Set the viewer target position. This is a point toward which we are looking. Default is (0,0,0).
- Parameters:
x (float) – The x coordinate
y (float) – The y coordinate
z (float) – The z coordinate
- trackball_camera(theta: float, phi: float)[source]
Rotate the camera around the volume by angle deltas
- Parameters:
theta (float) – vertical screen angle in degrees
phi (float) – horizontal screen angle in degrees
- up(x: float, y: float, z: float)[source]
Set the viewer camera up direction. This is a vector which should be nearly perpendicular to the view direction (target-eye), and defines the “roll” amount for the camera. Default is (0,0,1).
- Parameters:
x (float) – The x coordinate
y (float) – The y coordinate
z (float) – The z coordinate