Source code for abm_shape_collection.extract_mesh_projections

from __future__ import annotations

import tempfile
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
import trimesh
from vtk import vtkPLYWriter, vtkPolyData  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

PROJECTIONS: list[tuple[str, tuple[int, int, int], int]] = [
    ("side1", (0, 1, 0), 1),
    ("side2", (1, 0, 0), 0),
    ("top", (0, 0, 1), 2),
"""Mesh projection names, normals, and extent axes."""

[docs]class ProjectionType(Enum): """Projection slice types.""" SLICE = 1 """Slice projection type.""" EXTENT = 2 """Extent projection type."""
[docs]def extract_mesh_projections( mesh: vtkPolyData | trimesh.Trimesh, projection_types: list[ProjectionType] | None = None, offset: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, ) -> dict: """ Extract slices and/or extents from mesh. Slice projections are taken as the cross section of the mesh with planes in the x, y, and z directions with origin at (0,0,0). Extent projections are taken as cross section of the mesh with planes in the x, y, and z directions at increments of 0.5. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh object. projection_types Mesh projection types. offset Mesh translation applied before extracting slices and/or meshes. Returns ------- : Map of mesh projection path points. """ if isinstance(mesh, vtkPolyData): mesh = convert_vtk_to_trimesh(mesh) if projection_types is None: projection_types = [ProjectionType.SLICE, ProjectionType.EXTENT] if offset is not None: mesh.apply_translation(offset) projections: dict[str, list[list[list[float]]] | dict[float, list[list[list[float]]]]] = {} if ProjectionType.SLICE in projection_types: for projection, normal, _ in PROJECTIONS: projections[f"{projection}_slice"] = get_mesh_slice(mesh, normal) if ProjectionType.EXTENT in projection_types: for projection, normal, index in PROJECTIONS: projections[f"{projection}_extent"] = get_mesh_extent(mesh, normal, index) return projections
[docs]def convert_vtk_to_trimesh(mesh: vtkPolyData) -> trimesh.Trimesh: """ Convert VTK polydata to trimesh object. Parameters ---------- mesh VTK mesh object. Returns ------- : Trimesh mesh object. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: writer = vtkPLYWriter() writer.SetInputData(mesh) writer.SetFileTypeToASCII() writer.SetFileName(f"{}.ply") _ = writer.Write() return trimesh.load(f"{}.ply")
[docs]def get_mesh_slice(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh, normal: tuple[int, int, int]) -> list[list[list[float]]]: """ Get slice of mesh along plane for given normal as path points. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh object. normal Vector normal to slice plane. Returns ------- : List of connected vertices in space specifying the slice. """ mesh_slice = mesh.section_multiplane((0, 0, 0), normal, [0]) return [[list(point) for point in entity] for entity in mesh_slice[0].discrete]
[docs]def get_mesh_extent( mesh: trimesh.Trimesh, normal: tuple[int, int, int], index: int ) -> dict[float, list[list[list[float]]]]: """ Get extent of mesh along plane for given normal as path points. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh object. normal Vector normal to slice plane. index Index of normal axis. Returns ------- : Map to list of connected vertices in space specifying the extent. """ layers = int(mesh.extents[index] + 2) plane_indices = list(np.arange(-layers, layers + 1, 0.5)) mesh_extents = mesh.section_multiplane((0, 0, 0), normal, plane_indices) return { index: [[list(point) for point in entity] for entity in mesh_extent.discrete] for mesh_extent, index in zip(mesh_extents, plane_indices) if mesh_extent is not None }