
get_sample_indices(grid: str, bounds: tuple[int, int, int], resolution: float, scale_xy: float, scale_z: float) list[source]#

Get sample indices with given bounds for selected grid type.

  • grid ({'rect', 'hex'}) – Type of grid.

  • bounds – Sampling bounds in the x, y, and z directions.

  • resolution – Distance between samples (um).

  • scale_xy – Resolution scaling in x/y (um/pixel).

  • scale_z – Resolution scaling in z (um/pixel).


List of sample indices.

get_rect_sample_indices(bounds: tuple[int, int, int], resolution: float, scale_xy: float, scale_z: float) list[source]#

Get list of (x, y, z) sample indices for rect grid.

  • bounds – Sampling bounds in the x, y, and z directions.

  • resolution – Distance between samples (um).

  • scale_xy – Resolution scaling in x/y.

  • scale_z – Resolution scaling in z.


List of sample indices.

get_hex_sample_indices(bounds: tuple[int, int, int], resolution: float, scale_xy: float, scale_z: float) list[source]#

Get list of (x, y, z) sample indices for hex grid.

Sample indices are offset in sets of three z slices to form a face-centered cubic (FCC) packing.

  • bounds – Sampling bounds in the x, y, and z directions.

  • resolution – Distance between samples (um).

  • scale_xy – Resolution scaling in x/y.

  • scale_z – Resolution scaling in z.


List of sample indices.