
plot_contact_sheet(data: DataFrame, reference: DataFrame | None = None) Figure[source]#

Plot contact sheet of images for each z slice.

Each z slices is plotted on a separate subplot in the contact sheet. If a reference is given, the reference is used to determine x and y bounds and coordinates that only exist in the reference are shown in gray.

  • data – Sampled data with x, y, and z coordinates.

  • reference – Reference data with x, y, and z coordinates.


Contact sheet figure.

separate_rows_cols(items: list[str]) tuple[int, int, list[tuple[int, int, Optional[int]]]][source]#

Separate list of items into approximately equal number of indexed rows and columns.


items – List of items.


Number of rows, number of columns, and indices for each item.

make_subplots(n_rows: int, n_cols: int) tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, Union[matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, numpy.ndarray]][source]#

Create subplots for specified number of rows and columns.

  • n_rows – Number of rows in contact sheet plot.

  • n_cols – Number of columns in contact sheet plot.


Figure and axes objects.

select_axes(axs: Axes | ndarray, i: int, j: int, n_rows: int, n_cols: int) Axes[source]#

Select the axes object for the given indexed location.

  • axs – Axes object.

  • i – Row index.

  • j – Column index.

  • n_rows – Number of rows in contact sheet plot.

  • n_cols – Number of columns in contact sheet plot.


Axes object at indexed location.

Return type:
