Source code for abm_initialization_collection.coordinate.make_grid_coordinates

from math import floor, sqrt

import numpy as np
from hexalattice import hexalattice

[docs]def make_grid_coordinates( grid: str, bounds: tuple[int, int, int], increment_xy: float, increment_z: float, ) -> list: """ Get all coordinates within given bounding box for selected grid type. Parameters ---------- grid : {'rect', 'hex'} Type of grid. bounds Bounds in the x, y, and z directions. increment_xy Increment size in x/y directions. increment_z Increment size in z direction. Returns ------- : List of grid coordinates. """ if grid == "rect": return make_rect_grid_coordinates(bounds, increment_xy, increment_z) if grid == "hex": return make_hex_grid_coordinates(bounds, increment_xy, increment_z) raise ValueError(f"invalid grid type {grid}")
[docs]def make_rect_grid_coordinates( bounds: tuple[int, int, int], increment_xy: float, increment_z: float, ) -> list: """ Get list of bounded (x, y, z) coordinates for rect grid. Parameters ---------- bounds Bounds in the x, y, and z directions. increment_xy Increment size in x/y directions. increment_z Increment size in z direction. Returns ------- : List of grid coordinates. """ x_bound, y_bound, z_bound = bounds z_indices = np.arange(0, z_bound, increment_z) x_indices = np.arange(0, x_bound, increment_xy) y_indices = np.arange(0, y_bound, increment_xy) coordinates = [(x, y, z) for z in z_indices for x in x_indices for y in y_indices] return coordinates
[docs]def make_hex_grid_coordinates( bounds: tuple[int, int, int], increment_xy: float, increment_z: float, ) -> list: """ Get list of bounded (x, y, z) coordinates for hex grid. Coordinates are offset in sets of three z slices to form a face-centered cubic (FCC) packing. Parameters ---------- bounds Bounds in the x, y, and z directions. increment_xy Increment size in x/y directions. increment_z Increment size in z direction. Returns ------- : List of grid coordinates. """ x_bound, y_bound, z_bound = bounds z_indices = np.arange(0, z_bound, increment_z) z_offsets = [(i % 3) for i in range(len(z_indices))] xy_indices, _ = hexalattice.create_hex_grid( nx=floor(x_bound / increment_xy), ny=floor(y_bound / increment_xy * sqrt(3)), min_diam=increment_xy, align_to_origin=False, do_plot=False, ) x_offsets = [(increment_xy / 2) if z_offset == 1 else 0 for z_offset in z_offsets] y_offsets = [(increment_xy / 2) * sqrt(3) / 3 * z_offset for z_offset in z_offsets] coordinates = [ (x + x_offset, y + y_offset, z) for z, x_offset, y_offset in zip(z_indices, x_offsets, y_offsets) for x, y in xy_indices if round(x + x_offset) < x_bound and round(y + y_offset) < y_bound ] return coordinates