Source code for abm_initialization_collection.image.create_voronoi_image

from math import floor

import numpy as np
from bioio import BioImage
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation, binary_fill_holes, distance_transform_edt

[docs]def create_voronoi_image(image: BioImage, channel: int, iterations: int, height: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply Voronoi tessellation to image. Parameters ---------- image Segmentation image. channel Image channel. iterations Number of boundary estimation steps. height Target height in voxels. Returns ------- : Voronoi tessellation. """ array = image.get_image_data("ZYX", T=0, C=channel) # Create artificial boundary for voronoi. mask = create_boundary_mask(array, iterations) lower_bound, upper_bound = get_mask_bounds(array, height) mask_id = np.iinfo(array.dtype).max array[mask == 0] = mask_id mask[:lower_bound, :, :] = 0 mask[upper_bound:, :, :] = 0 # Calculate voronoi on bounded array. zslice, yslice, xslice = get_array_slices(mask) voronoi = calculate_voronoi_array(array[zslice, yslice, xslice]) # Remove masking ids. array[zslice, yslice, xslice] = voronoi array[mask == 0] = 0 array[array == mask_id] = 0 return array
[docs]def create_boundary_mask(array: np.ndarray, iterations: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Creates filled boundary mask around regions in array. Parameters ---------- array Image array. iterations Number of boundary estimation steps. Returns ------- : Boundary mask array. """ mask = np.zeros(array.shape, dtype="uint8") mask[array != 0] = 1 # Expand using binary dilation to create a border. binary_dilation(mask, output=mask, iterations=iterations) # Fill holes in the mask in each z slice. for z in range(array.shape[0]): binary_fill_holes(mask[z, :, :], output=mask[z, :, :]) return mask
[docs]def get_mask_bounds(array: np.ndarray, target_range: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Calculates the indices of z axis bounds with given target range. If the current range between z axis bounds (the minimum and maximum indices in the z axis where there exist non-zero entries) is wider than the target range, the current bound indices are returned. Parameters ---------- array Image array. target_range Target distance between bounds. Returns ------- : Lower and upper bound indices. """ lower_bound, upper_bound = np.where(np.any(array, axis=(1, 2)))[0][[0, -1]] current_range = upper_bound - lower_bound + 1 if current_range < target_range: height_delta = target_range - current_range lower_offset = floor(height_delta / 2) upper_offset = height_delta - lower_offset lower_bound = lower_bound - lower_offset upper_bound = upper_bound + upper_offset + 1 else: upper_bound = upper_bound + 1 return (lower_bound, upper_bound)
[docs]def get_array_slices(array: np.ndarray) -> tuple[slice, slice, slice]: """ Calculate bounding box slices around binary array. Parameters ---------- array Binary array. Returns ------- : Slices in the z, y, and x directions. """ zsize, ysize, xsize = array.shape zmin, zmax = np.where(np.any(array, axis=(1, 2)))[0][[0, -1]] ymin, ymax = np.where(np.any(array, axis=(0, 2)))[0][[0, -1]] xmin, xmax = np.where(np.any(array, axis=(0, 1)))[0][[0, -1]] zslice = slice(max(zmin - 1, 0), min(zmax + 2, zsize)) yslice = slice(max(ymin - 1, 0), min(ymax + 2, ysize)) xslice = slice(max(xmin - 1, 0), min(xmax + 2, xsize)) slices = (zslice, yslice, xslice) return slices
[docs]def calculate_voronoi_array(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates voronoi on image array using distance transform. Parameters ---------- array Image array. Returns ------- : Voronoi array. """ distances = distance_transform_edt(array == 0, return_distances=False, return_indices=True) distances = distances.astype("uint16", copy=False) coordinates_z = distances[0].flatten() coordinates_y = distances[1].flatten() coordinates_x = distances[2].flatten() voronoi = array[coordinates_z, coordinates_y, coordinates_x].reshape(array.shape) return voronoi