Source code for abm_initialization_collection.image.plot_contact_sheet

from math import ceil, sqrt
from typing import Optional, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

mpl.rc("figure", dpi=200)
mpl.rc("font", size=8)
mpl.rc("axes", titlesize=10, titleweight="bold")

[docs]def plot_contact_sheet( data: pd.DataFrame, reference: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None ) -> mpl.figure.Figure: """ Plot contact sheet of images for each z slice. Each z slices is plotted on a separate subplot in the contact sheet. If a reference is given, the reference is used to determine x and y bounds and coordinates that only exist in the reference are shown in gray. Parameters ---------- data Sampled data with x, y, and z coordinates. reference Reference data with x, y, and z coordinates. Returns ------- : Contact sheet figure. """ z_layers = sorted(data.z.unique() if reference is None else reference.z.unique()) n_rows, n_cols, indices = separate_rows_cols(z_layers) fig, axs = make_subplots(n_rows, n_cols) max_id = int( min_id = int( min_x = data.x.min() if reference is None else reference.x.min() max_x = data.x.max() if reference is None else reference.x.max() min_y = data.y.min() if reference is None else reference.y.min() max_y = data.y.max() if reference is None else reference.y.max() for i, j, k in indices: ax = select_axes(axs, i, j, n_rows, n_cols) ax.set_xlim([min_x - 1, max_x + 1]) ax.set_ylim([max_y + 1, min_y - 1]) if k is None: ax.axis("off") continue z_slice = data[data.z == z_layers[k]] patches = [plt.Circle((x, y), radius=0.5) for x, y in zip(z_slice.x, z_slice.y)] collection = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patches, cmap="jet") collection.set_array( collection.set_clim([min_id, max_id]) ax.add_collection(collection) if reference is not None: z_slice_reference = reference[reference.z == z_layers[k]] filtered = pd.merge(z_slice, z_slice_reference, how="outer", indicator=True) removed = filtered[filtered["_merge"] == "right_only"] patches = [plt.Circle((x, y), radius=0.3) for x, y in zip(removed.x, removed.y)] collection = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patches, facecolor="#ccc") ax.add_collection(collection) if np.issubdtype(z_layers[k], np.integer): ax.set_title(f"z = {z_layers[k]}") else: ax.set_title(f"z = {z_layers[k]:.2f}") ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box") ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def separate_rows_cols(items: list[str]) -> tuple[int, int, list[tuple[int, int, Optional[int]]]]: """ Separate list of items into approximately equal number of indexed rows and columns. Parameters ---------- items List of items. Returns ------- : Number of rows, number of columns, and indices for each item. """ n_items = len(items) n_cols = ceil(sqrt(len(items))) n_rows = ceil(len(items) / n_cols) all_indices = [(i, j, i * n_cols + j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)] indices = [(i, j, k if k < n_items else None) for i, j, k in all_indices] return n_rows, n_cols, indices
[docs]def make_subplots( n_rows: int, n_cols: int ) -> tuple[mpl.figure.Figure, Union[mpl.axes.Axes, np.ndarray]]: """ Create subplots for specified number of rows and columns. Parameters ---------- n_rows Number of rows in contact sheet plot. n_cols Number of columns in contact sheet plot. Returns ------- : Figure and axes objects. """ plt.close("all") fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, sharex="all", sharey="all") return fig, axs
[docs]def select_axes( axs: Union[mpl.axes.Axes, np.ndarray], i: int, j: int, n_rows: int, n_cols: int ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """ Select the axes object for the given indexed location. Parameters ---------- axs Axes object. i Row index. j Column index. n_rows Number of rows in contact sheet plot. n_cols Number of columns in contact sheet plot. Returns ------- mpl.axes.Axes Axes object at indexed location. """ if n_rows == 1 and n_cols == 1: return axs if n_rows == 1: return axs[j] return axs[i, j]