Source code for abm_initialization_collection.image.select_fov_images

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def select_fov_images( metadata: pd.DataFrame, cells_per_fov: int, bins: list[int], counts: list[int] ) -> list[dict]: """ Selects FOV images from dataset within each volume bin. Selected FOVs must not contains any outliers or cells in a state other than M0. Selected FOVs will have exactly the number of specified cells. Average volume of all cells in the FOV are used to determine which volume bin the FOV falls in. FOVs are evaluated in the order they appear in the metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata Quilt package metadata for FOV images. cells_per_fov Number of cells per FOV. bins Cell volume bin boundaries. counts Number of FOVs to select from each cell volume bin. Returns ------- : List of selected FOV image paths and cell ids """ total_count = sum(counts) bin_counts = [0] * len(counts) fovs = [] for fov_seg_path, seg_group in metadata.groupby("fov_seg_path"): no_outliers = (seg_group.outlier != "Yes").all() only_m0 = (seg_group.cell_stage == "M0").all() if no_outliers and only_m0 and len(seg_group) == cells_per_fov: mean = seg_group["MEM_shape_volume"].mean() bin_index = np.digitize(mean, bins) - 1 if bin_counts[bin_index] < counts[bin_index]: bin_counts[bin_index] = bin_counts[bin_index] + 1 key = fov_seg_path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] fovs.append( { "key": key, "item": fov_seg_path, "cell_ids": list(seg_group["this_cell_index"]), } ) if sum(bin_counts) >= total_count: break return fovs